
A Moon in Sagittarius

Saggitarius Moon

The Full Moon in Sagittarius holds much for us to consider:

Sagittarius is associated with the :

Thighs, hips, hip joint, Sacrum, vertbrae, tail bone, lumbar muscle, and the Liver – A Full Moons intension is to let go of all that we held before and being in the new…

Sagittarius does not hold back on outdated relationships or life’s conventions. This sign has its eyes on the future and gets on by doing it for every aspect. The Comforting thing to know is that the femine side to this sign is focussed on work life that is fast-paced, meaningful, and varied. Thriving with lifes cycle and their true nature for work and love and so the lumbar, vertebrae and sacral energy is certaining the fire behind it all. Anything focused light on lost dreams and leave a wake of encouragement and inspiration behind you.

The chakras are held with the central nervous system and focus awareness onto the spine at specific areas where the controlling points for the chakras lie.

The axis of our being is our Vertebrae and Chakras

The feminine divine energy is held in the sacrum which is beneath the lumbar. The womb space creates the central spinal axis and represents our individual world. All these organs are supported by the lumbar region and when we feel burdens it can affect the female organs.

The chakras are held in line in the vertebrae and the spine and the anchor points of each energy centre is held by the chakra. Anything you can so to connect to this centre keeps it in good etheric health – hold your womb and sacral space- connect with your heart which is your grounding force and gateway to maintaining balance.

The chakra system are breathing energy centres and help support the spiritual, body and mind connection and are our mirror to the world and can be held energetically to clear and restore life force.

Individual consciousness

The vertebrae is key for the spinal cord which communicates with all our vital organs, and holds the blueprint and creative matrix of the physical body.  The etheric Consciousness of the spinal cord is known as the heart centre for our nerve cells and sustains including our lucid dream state where our imagination journeys far into our subconsciousness during our sleeping state of being.

The seven bodies of your soul are:

  • The Etheric Body – First Layer
  • The Emotional Body – Second Layer
  • The Mental Body – Third Layer
  • The Astral Level – Fourth Layer
  • The Etheric Template Body – Fifth Layer
  • The Celestial Body – Sixth Layer
  • The Casual Body or Ketheric Template – Seventh Layer

You can read more about these yourselves, for the purpose of this moon this is to demonstrate the many dimensions we are working within and the importance of these to our energetic selves.

In paganism, the full moon is a time for psychic energies to increase, and powerful intentions, spells, and rituals can be performed. The full moon also represents the mother aspect of feminine shakti which is what this moon can represent.

The Divine Feminine Shakti is stronger when connected symbolically with the new or full moon and we may wish to call in Shakti Devi for this in any ritual or practice using a moon altar . Call upon Shakti Devi to help you for this moon as she is a divine force- a creaor and expeller of demons- actual or symbolic.

Moon Rituals

Take a long bath – add epsom salts and an essential oil that speaks to you for this moon.

Create your moon altar using things from your garden or home that you would like to represent how you feel about this moon.

There are no rules, only the rituals you wish to create and it is important to begin to create your own rituals. Use incense to CLEANSE your space, or SMUDGE using sage. This helps to clear and make room for new energy. A powerful practice that can be done anytime.

Write down all of your wishes, dreams, intentions, and desires. Be as specific as you can.

Read your list aloud. You can go outside beneath the sky or as you light a candle inside use a food offer which can be left for the birds tomorrow.

Give thanks to the Universe and the Shakti Goddess (or your chosen dedication) for hearing your voice and your true intensions.

Read out your wishes to the Full Moon and then release your voice and energy into a sacred fire trusting it to come into your life.

This is your moon bathing moment – unless you choose to do it wth friends or join a moon circle. Make it your own,

Scent from flowers, a candle, some sage or herbs,essental oils –

  • Clary Sage.
  • Lemon.
  • Lavender.
  • Geranium.
  • Ylang ylang
  • Neroli
  • Cinnamon
  • Wild orange
  • Tea Tree
  • Frankinsence
  • Ginger

Crystals or stones or pictures of people or things you love. Notes and intentions and wishes for the coming month

You can also create a sacred space- use a tray or mantle piece – add your things here.

Think about what you wish to illuminate or focus on in your life – play music. Here is some you might want to try Click .

Shape your intention and be clear on what you want to bring into your life- be specific- write it down

When you have done all that you wish do – Close the ceremony – by ringing a bell, saying a prayer of thanks, or visualising – saying a phrase like “so may it be as it has been asked for and let it be created,” and so forth … . Do this as often as you like as a puja.

For a purification Puja : Fill up a cup with cleansed or spring water. Invite your chosen deity such as Shakti, Surya, Varuna, Lakshmi and Chandra, to reside in it in a subtle form and then sprinkling that water over all the items on your puja/altar tray  to consecrate them. Chandra is the moon goddess. A goddess of wishes. Good luck

Randhiraj Bilan – Integrative Therapist

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